Have you ever been called names by other kids? If so, you might relate to Bobby and his friends Joe, Addie and Skeezie. They are smart, funny, interesting kids, but for one reason or another, they are misfits. Bobby is overweight. Addie is tall and very smart. Skeezie looks like Elvis. And Joe is sure he is gay. You can join in on the story of their 7th grade year and find out how they start a new political party and run for student council at their middle school. At first I thought these kids seemed too smart to be real, but in the end, I loved all four characters and was cheering for them to win the election and all go to the dance with the people of their dreams. Any 6th or 7th grader who has ever felt like a misfit will enjoy this funny book by James Howe.
yes i have been called and it hurts alot
I have never read such rubbish...there are so many other good books to read. I cannot believe this book is required 7th grade reading. What on earth has our educational system come to?
this book is weird,Colin should not be gay!
this book should not be read in 6th grade
I can't wait to use this book with my middle school students. If educators don't teach them tolerance, how will they learn? If they cannot at least tolerate people from different walks of life, how do we expect them to be successful 21st century leaders?
This book will help me drive such points toward young people who are thirsty for acceptance themselves.
i really love this book, it really deals with so many problems that middle school kids deal with, many people don't like this book and i honestly can't say why. i'm an 8th grade student. and even though i have soo many great friends i could still relate to this book. people are ridiculous, i mean i hear worse thing in the hall way everyday. from SIXTH GRADERS. so for you to say that its like totally crazy for sixth graders to read this, you should hear the things that come out of your kids mouths when your not around.
lets get some shoes, lets party
worst book ever a big yawn no action spice it it up james how
I can totally relate to this book. All books don't need for a person to be blown up.
This was AWFUL it's so stupid...first of all i had to read this as an 8th grader...7th grade is already over..too late for that!!!! But i know what they are trying to say but...it teaches students that the only way to get what they want is to rebel...and pluse TEACHERS AND FACULTY DONT CARE....
This is stupid, its too hard to take notes on. arrrrgggghhhh!
I agree with whoever posted at 9:35, 8:00 and whoever else thinks this book sucks and that it was stupid to have to read it for 7th grade summer homework. I personally didn't do it. For whoever thought this book was good I feel very bad for you and just letting whoever reads this know that's not how real life works and if you think it is then you are blind. Also "megan" do not give this to your students. If you are a teacher then you should give your students the option of reading this or not. Anyone that agrees with me just say so.
Also whoever left the comment at 9:35 I like your use of the word "rubbish" it illustrates the fact that you don't like the book but in a highly sophisticated english manner.
megan ur a butthead
I thought it was a great book, 'cos I've been called those names, and you sort of try to live up to them, 'cos you think, "Hey, if that's all I'll ever be, then I better be the best I can!"
It's a great read that really shows you how to see the light.(figuratively)
And if you guys insult me like you insulted Megan, then you're just being the bullies from the book, so unconfident in themselves that they pick on other "weaker" kids to make themselves feel better.
And don't protest it if you insult others for your enjoyment, 'cos that is bullying.
Despite our school's anti-bullying policy, I see enough everyday to now what it is.
Sure, go ahead. Insult me.
But my words will haunt you and drive you mad.
i read tht book its fun
im reading this book so far its pretty good. joe sounds gay from the beginning. NO JOKE. its really awkward in class though, cause my teachers always like ITS OKAY TO BE GAY!
'Cos 'Cos 'Cos
maybe if you didn't say "'Cos" so much people wouldn't make fun of you.
Cuz I'm the bomb like tick tick!
This book...sucks. A lot. Nothing happens, it's not a realistic depiction of middle school life in any way. I'm in 8th grade, and my entire school has to read it (6-8th grade) to learn "tolerance for others". Yeah right, the convenient list of derogatory terms on page 139 will only worsen the problem.
anonymous said...
this book is horrific...idk why we have to read it in 7th grade...i dont even get the point of it..we should protest!!!
what happenes in chapter 5? on the last paragraph?
i really liked this book and think its a great read. i really relate to bobby alot and the characeters rock.
I am a 7th grader that had to read this book for a book report and it was both boring and wierd. I couldn't understand why this author would write something like this, the main character, Bobby, seems to be the only one who doesn't reall stick up for others(which is one of the main parts) I didnt even finish this book and i never finished my report. I happy i didn't.
to the person who posted @ 6:01pm he was realizing that people who are crazy are human too.
to all of you who said this busic stupid/lame/boring or anything else of the sort should go crawl in a hole because this book is really good, is has witty characters with diverse personalities and a point which you all seem to have missed. I bet the only reason you're bashing it is because you were required to read this for school and honestly being required to read something just ruins a book. You should all just try reading it for pleasure so you can really appreciate this book.
i am reading this book for an assignment in school and it is lame and stupid. BUT it does have some good points. it makes you stop and think a little. but HOW MUCH MORE BORING COULD IT GET?
i was told that i had to read it for school and at first i thought it would be boring, but i thought at the end of the story that it wa a really good book and i just might read it again!!!!!!!!
In what Year did this story take place
We have to read this in 7th grade and I really dislike it. It's true, Megan you ARE a butthead
Worst book..... Ever. If you have to read it, i suggest looking up an online summary because the book is sooooo long, boring, and STUUUUUPID! SAVE YOURSELF!
IDK what you guys are talking about. Thus book relates to severh grade A LOT. It is funny and I am glad that it was reccomended. I want to read Totally Joe know!
i need help can u guys tell me Bobby's mood . its homework and i dont even have the book at home .. so im searching internet !
i would so fuck joe! :P
im reading the book and it is hilarious ...im in seventh grade and im reading it as a lit circle book and its with my friends so i can actually discuss the book and it is such a wierd book because at one point its about bobby and work and the next point its about joe not having a pee pee or him being gay... all i can say is that i love to laugh and this book is perfect for that... and i go to seneca valley middle school
i luved this book and especially the ending it was really good for our class
This is a fantastic book. It's maybe a little sophisticated for 7th graders who are so used to books that move really fast and have a lot of action, though, but the characters are great (although admittedly precocious), and the dialogue is frankly hilarious. It makes you stop and think at many points. For those who don't read a lot (or for pleasure), however, it will seem boring. But for me, it's up in my Top 5 favourite books. (And this is a hard list to crack).
- A seventh grader.
I absolutly love this book. Im an 8th grader & had to read it for school. & this is one of my favorites. Name calling is a serious thing & this book shows it.
The students that are saying that the book sucks and they don't understand the message, well that's where teachers need to step in. As an educator, I feel that this book sends a strong message and has characters that many students can relate to. However, I felt that the development of the characters was stereotypical. The fact that the flamboyant, Cher loving, male was gay is only feeding stereotypes into our youth. This book will not be required in my classroom, but will be available for students during Reader's Workshop.
I'm in 9th grade and had to read this in 7th grade. This book DOESN'T portray middle school how it actually is, but it's very entertaining and I happened to enjoy it. (I hate 99% of books by the way, so this is saying something.) It has AMAZING characters and brings up a good point and seemed to reach my entire class. It might've helped that we read it in class and had an audio to go along with it, though. (They even had all of the character's voices.) I LOVE JOE!!!!
this book is awesome read this or die
Don't be a hater you guys. This book was a great read for our class, even if it was dull in the beginning. This book shows most problems that some kids encounter the dangers of middle school, and it can help other kids learn how to deal with those problems.
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