Imagine that you are a middle school kid living with your older sister because your mother has disappeared. Then imagine that someone starts stalking you, and so you and your sister drive away to start a new life. Kevin and Holly are on the run, and they end up in Venice Beach, California, where people make their money on the boardwalk doing magic shows, painting henna tattoos, and dressing as the Statue of Liberty. They change their names and earn money by singing opera and telling fortunes. But all the while "The Toad" is after them for some unknown reason. It sounds pretty serious, but actually it is a short, sort of funny book by a really good writer. If you're looking for a quick, entertaining book to read or listen to (the audiotape is great), try Disappearing Act.
Read this last year and loved it!!! I am an elem. library media specialist, and I was able to make this book fly off the shelves with my booktalk. I really enjoyed it.
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