This Maud Hart Lovelace nominee combines the danger of a real-life killer blizzard with the psychological drama of a teenage girl who can't forgive the man who killed her mother. Kate and her father and brother live in North Dakota, and the year is 1941. They are all trying to go on with their lives after their mother died four years ago. Zeke is the drunk driver who killed her, and he is just out of prison after serving three and a half years. When a deadly blizzard roars across the prairie, Kate is stranded in the house, her family is stranded in a car, and Zeke is wandering down the road. Finally they all end up in the house together, but Kate isn't about to let Zeke forget how much she hates him. The real action of this story is inside Kate's heart and mind, and if you like learning about people and how they think and feel, you will like this story.
hello, i love your book it is great! we read this book for a book report in our school.
im actually using this book for an oral book report in my school! I absolutely love this book. it teaches a great lesson.
This book was one of the best I've read it teaches you a great lesson and I even cried at one part, I did for a book report for school. I would reccomend it to everyone.
this book is very safistcated and it teaches a really good lesson i did cry at some points because i was not ready for somethings
Wow, i really liked this book, and i enjoyed reading it a lot. There were a couple of parts i didn't like very much, but other than that, i give it 2 thumbs up!
Chris Masterson 7-2
I really did not like this book at all. I must say it was probably one of the worst books I have ever read. The way the timing worked was really confusing and kind of frusterating. The ending was also weak. I was expecting a big finish, but all she did was write a note to him. Have them fall in love or something...
hey I disagree with what you said I dont think that Kate and zeke should fall in love because zeke is almost 30 and kate is 15. This book was awesome it teaches you a good leason and I almost cried at the end you do not no what you are talking about. This book is really good!
I really liked this book. We read the book in literature class. This book is one of my favorites.
Fall in love!? Are you serious? That's just disterbing that you think that! This book is really good and teaches you a lot! I think you should try reading again maybe slower or think about it more.
This Book is one of the best books I've ever read! The ending was awsome and the way the book was set back in time was cool. kate is like14 and Zeke is 28 so they can't fall in love! Since I live in North Dakota I can totally relate to the blizzard factor and I thought it was very suspencefull. I loved Blizzards Wake and I recomend it to anyone who hasn't read it!
Whoever you are, you are a sick and twisted fiend!
Zeke is almost 30, while Kate is 14 ! I'm not saying I like the book. In fact, I have pretty much the same opinion.
ya like she said. Fall in love...... thats crazy. it has a great ending...... I cried.I hope thair is a sequel
I really liked this book. I thought their should be in the blizzard longer because that part wasn't the longest. I can't believe you think they should fall in love! OMG YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!! That's creepy! Other than that I liked the book!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why would you want them to fall in love?!?!?!? That wouls just ruin the entire book. you should just try to read it again since you didnt get it in the first place! good luck with that. and remember that they should NOT FALL IN LOVE
This book was amazing! I loved how in the end Kate forgave Zeke, it was a good finish.
And falling in love is crazy. I'm sorry, but that is disgusting!! There's a 15 year age difference! Maybe you should try reading it better.
I give this book 9 out of 10 stars and I recommend it to everyone.
hi chad!
Hey! I really liked this book. I have read better ones but i also agree, the timeing was really confusing. I dont beleive that Kate and Zeke should fall in love. I mean, Kate is like almost 15 and then theres Zeke who is almost 30! Pluse I would never want to fall in love with someone whoo had killed my mom. I think it was a good idea to have Zeke stay at there house for a while because now Kate isn't hatting herself or Zeke as much as she did befor. I also felt a little bad for Zeke because Kate Is uilding up all of this harted on Zeke when it is actually her to blame. Also, Zeke has been through a lot and all Kate's doing is making his life more complicated than it should be. The blizzard was also a very hard part to deal with i think. The two of them, Jesse and Doc Stearling, were in the car then all of the sudden, Zeke comes in the car and then the three of them are sitting in the freezing car while a blizzard is going on waiting for someone to resque them. I can't believe that Kate was brave enough to go out into the blizzard, trying to find them. Overall I really liked this book.
I loved this this book. This was definatly one of my favorite books ever!The plot was really good.I'd give it a 5 outa 5.
Whoever said that Kate and Zeke should fall in love is totally insane. First of all, there is a big age difference, and for half the book she hated him, but even more herself. This book was one of the best books I have ever read. The ending was awesome, and it was suspensful. I would recommend this book to anyone that hasn't read it. I'd rate it 8.5 out of 10. I hate reading, but I couldn't put this book down.
Fall in LOVE!!! What's wrong with you!!! Your DISGUSTING!!!
But,anyway we thought the book was really good and the ending was the best ending possible for this book.
Fall in love you got to be KIDDING me !
Christian write back says Mitch
Hey, whoever says that Kate and Zeke should fall in love didn't read the book. Kate is in her teens and Zeke is almost thirty, i say you go back and read the book again... hi christian...
Hey this is Alex and Carly! Were just here in Literature....chillin haha.....but anyway....We loved this book it was exactly the way we wanted it to be! We thought it was awesome....yup...it was awesome and I loved it like a butter biscuit on a hot Saturday morning in the middle of July! I'm going to try to read every book that Phyllis wrote! teehee...also Carly is Amazing
I do not like this book. It has a pretty good plot, but the constant switching thing was really dumb. Even if it teaches a good lesson, I would NEVER want to read it again. I mean, what's with Zeke cutting off his foot? If the author wanted Zeke to stay at the Sterling place longer, just make the blizzard last longer!!!!!
I agree with Jade I would not want to fall in love with someone who had killed my mom. I think that Kate shouldnt have been so mean to Zeke. Yeah he killed her mom but he didnt intend to. I think this book teaches a great lesson.
Liz, you cried at the end?
I cannot beleive everyone actuallt LIKES this book! It was pretty bad, and the characters (except for Zeke) have no personality !!!
What aout Kate? What about Zekes new job? Will Jesse get onto a baskettball team? Will Zeke find love or find the himself at the Sterlings again? There should definetaly be a sequal!
We loved this book and but we wish people in Grand Forks would see Zeke for who he is and not about what he has done. Phyllis Reynolds keep on writing!!
HI GUYS! Its Carly and Alex again! Were still here at literature......chillin....HAHA! I just wanted to say that I think this book is awesome.....and I love it.....a lot....this is carly typing.....sup? HAHA! Now its Alex again....Carly is a funny chicken! lol! okay Carly now....seriously no more joking around.....back to the book......hehe Chicken.....ANYWAY! yup I loved the book and I love how at the end Kate learns she needs to forgive Zeke for the horrible thing he did.....thank you for your time.....Peace out! haha Alex says bye! BYEE!
I love you all.....not really though/.....but kinda......but no.....well i guess a little.....no wait not at all.....okay a little bye!
I loved this book.
Who ever said that Zeke n Kate should fall in love, THATS DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously.Kate is like 15 n Zeke is almost 30.
But over all I really liked this book.
I did, so?
How she got all her amotions about her mom out made me feel gratefull
Thee should be a sequel... hi christian...
This book needs another few MILLION revisions! Or, find a competent editor!!!
Oh, I see... hi christian...
Lucas, why dont u like this book?
I have already written why at least twice.
Carly and Alex are really weird ignore them! lol jk
This book was kinda boring in the begining but in the end it turned out ok. It wasnt my favorite but I guess it was good. I think it has good survial tips for people in Grand Forks! I didn't cry in the end but it was very cool. Ohh, Carly and Alex are amazing! haha......kinda.
Because it is good and one of the best book we've ever read! It is pretty suspencefull and adventurous! I just can't see why you didn't like this book, Lucas.
Ali, what doe this book teach u?
I agree w/ Carly n Alex the book was.............AWSOMEICLES............BYEE....Carls.......BYEE................Alex.............SEE YA.....
where is this fictitious 'suspense'. Where is this 'adventure'?
Hey.... It's ali and kira again. Lucas, we have to agree with you.... we can see why you could like and we can see how you can too! Maybe if they made a movie it would be better.......
Okay I think this we'll be our last time lol.....I absolutly loved it! When Zeke cut his leg I thought it was a really good part to make it more dramatic....the only thing I didn't like was that Kate didn't forgive Zeke until the end! Seriously.....LOL! but i still loved it teehee...haha....MOO I'M A ZEBRA! lol....jkjkjkjk thats my MSN dp.....or thats what it says at least lol.......Alex says hi....CARLY AND ALEX ARE AMAZING!
Chad, it teaches you what to do in a blizzard and not to hold a grudge! Maybe you could learn...... KIDDING!
If no one is even going to respond, ...................
Ok, I already knew what to do doing a blizzard.
I hope she makes a sequel! I would absolutly die if she did! It would be amazing! Like the realationship between Kate and her family and Zeke afterwards...LOL It would be awesome...
what about the grude thing.... and maybe other people didnt!
He did NOT cut offhisfoot!!!!!!!!!.......You need to read it again n get the story right!!!!!!!!!!!!........jk......lolz
SOO WHAAAAT!!!! he as good as did!!!!
oh my word! hi! oh and carly and alex rox my sox right off! this book rocked my sox off too. just not in the beginning, it was wicked boring! but then it got better!
okay, BYE!
oh~ how can Kate fall in luv with a guy like Zeke??? huh??!! omg~ EWWW~~
n like the others had said, I would NEVER EVER fall in luv with a person who had killed my mom, i mean tats really freaky/scaryy.. man.. hahaha anyways this bookk is reallllyyy interestingg ahahhahaa :] if there was a second book, does anyone think it might be interestinngg??? lol
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