While the plot is a bit unbelievable (the brain of a frumpy, video-game playing, feminist teen is implanted into the body of a supermodel), the result is a fun read in typical Meg Cabot style. Emerson Watts wakes up in the hospital in the body of Nikki Howard and is told she must assume the supermodel's identity and, of course, not tell anyone what medical technology was used on her. The biggest problem is that Em's best friend (and secret crush), Christopher, thinks she is dead. Along the way she must deal with assuming Nikki Howard's life in her NY City loft, Nikki's boyfriends kissing her, a difficult modeling job, and adjusting to the fact that her old identity is legally dead. My biggest complaint about this book is that it does not stand alone. It's really a prequel to book two in the series and I wish that Meg Cabot had come to some resolution rather than ending on a big clifhanger. Strangely enough, biomedical issues are a hot topic in teen fiction right now. If you want to think more deeply about the ethical issues this poses, read
The Adoration of Jenna Fox. If you want a fun Meg Cabot book about the life of a supermodel, this is for you.
This book is really good! I can't stop reading it!
That's true, I love it too! But I also love to read about girls at school. I would be very interested in knowing if you would consider reading a book about cliques (witty and all), but not superficial like Lisi Harrison's clique series. (don't know if you know it)
I would really appreciate an answer from somebody, anybody out there! :-) Thanks!
I really loved this book! I was excited to learn that it is going to be a series!
i was anoyed coz i only got the first 5 chapters in the book i was reading and wanted to read the rest will some 1 type chapter 6 down?? x x
Anyone else notice that Emerson Watts could easily be made into Emma Watson if you put the 'son part on the end of the surname. It sounds like it anyway, lol. Wicked book, cant wait 4 the next 1! ...when is the next 1 btw???
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