Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Unteachables by Gordon Korman


The Unteachables in room 117 are (supposedly) the worst kids  in their middle school. And this year Mr. Kermit, the worst teacher in the school, is assigned to room 117. The students are separated out for not being smart, for bad behavior, and also for a scheduling error. Mr. Kermit used to care about teaching, but his career was shattered by a cheating scandal and he stopped trying years ago. In his last year before early retirement he plans to do nothing and just make it through, but the superintendent is hoping to fire him before the year is up. The Unteachables can't believe they have a teacher who cares less than they do, but as you might expect, it's a year of redemption for everyone. It sounds trite, but as usual, in Gordon Korman's hands it is funny, a little unexpected, and heartwarming in the end. Gordon Korman is the best, and this book did not disappoint. Recommended for 4th-8th graders who want a fun reading experience. 

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