Saturday, October 24, 2020

The List of Things that Will Not Change by Rebecca Stead

Bea's parents are divorced, and they have given her a list of things that will not change. Number one on that list is that they will always love Bea and each other. Bea's dad is gay and she is thrilled when he and his boyfriend Jesse get engaged, mainly because she will finally have a sister. Sonia lives far away, but Bea is sure they will feel like sisters. Of course, relationships don't always come all at once, and Bea struggles with her disappointment. This is an intimate view of Bea's life and how her loving parents help her deal with a secret that she has been hiding from everyone. Rebecca Stead writes beautifully about the details of every day life and you will leave this book feeling like you know Bea and the people in her life well. 

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