Monday, May 04, 2020

Never Caught, the Story of Ona Judge: George and Martha Washington's Courageous Slave Who Dared to Run Away by Erica Armstrong Dunbar and Kathleen Van Cleve

Ona Judge is an American hero that most people don't know. She was enslaved by George and Martha Washington and she dared to stand up against the president of the United States by fleeing to freedom. There is much that is not known about Ona Judge's life, but these authors have put together many puzzle pieces in order to paint a vivid picture of her life and the difficulty she faced when she dared to escape to freedom. We learn about the struggles of the enslaved people at Mt. Vernon as well as life in Philadelphia and New York City in the late 1700s. I was fascinated to learn about the evolution of abolitionist thought and how laws were made to protect slave owners, even in the north. Many Americans grow up learning only positive things about our country's founding fathers, especially George Washington, but this book shows them as the flawed people that they were. Ona's story should be widely known, and I recommend this excellent book to readers of all ages.

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