Monday, November 05, 2007

Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life by Wendy Mass

Imagine getting a gift from your father five years after he died. Then imagine not being able to open the gift! That's what happens to Jeremy. A box comes in the mail and the box says "The Meaning of Life" on it. It's meant for him to open on his 13th birthday, but the four keys needed to open it are lost. This is the story of how Jeremy and his best friend Lizzie search for the keys that will open the box. Along the way they get arrested and forced to do community service for an old man who was a pawn broker. They have all kinds of new experiences and learn a little about the real meaning of life before they get the box open. This is a fun book that both guys and girls would like, and it gives you a lot to think about as you read.

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