Monday, January 13, 2020

Everything Awesome about Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Beasts! by Mike Lowery

You may think dinosaur books are for little kids, but I would argue that this book contains everything that most humans of all ages would want to know about the history of earth and the prehistoric creatures that lived here long ago. Mike Lowery, a prolific illustrator, is the author and illustrator of this fun- and fact-filled full-color book that is full of jokes and irreverent humor. He expertly packs a well-curated array of information into 122 heavily illustrated pages. In Part One he explains three criteria that define dinosaurs (this was news to me!). In Part Two he gives a "Brief History of Earth" that succinctly (and humorously) puts the timeline of prehistoric life into perspective. He goes on to describe various dinosaurs and other "awesome extinct cenozoic beasts, and even includes how to draw a four kinds of dinosaurs. The book includes jokes and bonus facts that make the book fun for kids as well as adults. It's a little-known secret that a quality middle-school level nonfiction book can provide all that adults need to know about a topic, and this book perfectly supports that theory.

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