Monday, September 02, 2013

To Be Perfectly Honest by Sonya Sones

To be perfectly honest, I didn't really like this book. I have liked Sonya Sones' books in the past but this one is short on characterization. The main character, Colette, is the 15-year-old daughter of a famous movie star who is neglected by her mom most of the time. She lies all the time about both big and small things (and to her credit she knows this—in fact, she tells you she is an unreliable narrator). In this story she and her younger brother, Will, are living in a hotel pretty much on their own while their mom is filming a movie. Colette meets a somewhat older boy who seems interested in her and doesn't know she is the daughter of a movie star. I didn't see much reason for her to be in love with Connor except that he drives a motorcycle and is handsome. I also didn't see much motivation for Connor to be interested in Colette, but the book is full of her romantic dreams and their encounters, and his attempts to go farther with her than she is ready to go. It's also a little creepy because we know all along that he is 18 and she is underage (and Colette's mom doesn't seem to care). Then (spoiler alert) he tells her his deep dark secret which only makes her love him more but then turns out to be a lie. Colette's mom doesn't seem so bad in the end and Colette learns a valuable life lesson. I don't think high school students would buy this story—it's just a little too predictable and trite, but due to the sexual issues explored here I wouldn't recommend it for younger readers. (And that little brother's lisp was really annoying.)

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