Monday, August 02, 2010

After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick

Jordan Sonnenblick has done it again. Another great middle school story that makes you laugh, makes you cry, and makes you want to keep on reading. It's the follow-up to Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie but it's really not necessary to read the first book to enjoy this one. The focus here is on Jeffrey, who has survived childhood leukemia and is now in eighth grade. Jeffrey walks with a limp and has some learning problems related to his cancer medications. His big problem is that he has to pass the state math test in order to go on to high school. His best (and only) friend, also a cancer survivor, takes on the task of tutoring him. The best part of the new school year is that there's a cute new girl in school who wants to be friends with Jeffrey. This book follows Jeffrey and his two friends through eighth grade as they help each other become the best that they can be. It's hard to describe how enjoyable a Jordan Sonnenblick book can be--you just have to read one to understand. A great read for all middle school kids.

1 comment:

Rattly Bunny, Panda Man said...

Yeah, this was a really great book, my sister got it from our local bookstore and I bit it the first chance I got. It tasted like a good book, and it was a good book.